Tuesday 10 January 2012


Christianna Uyiekpen

In a group of four I am the one that specializes in make up and props in addition to this i am also the producer as we all have a variety of different strengths and weaknesses I chose to do this because make up is something that I enjoy doing outside college so I am able to put my own personal expirience and ability into it. As a group we have put our ideas together to produce a trailer aimed between 30-60 seconds. As we all have different abilitys we all chose something different to do to eventually come together at the end and to have a good result however we are aware that we are a group so we are going to work together and help eachother along the way. As the director of my group I have been put in charge of setting deadlines for work to be uploaded on to our blogger i will also assign different group members with differet jobs and work to do including my self so that as a group we get the grade we deserve. Lastly as a group we will use blogger as a place to produce all of our work right from the begging to the final product. As a group we are all going to be 110% committed and produce work to the best of our standards.
When I upload something on blogger it will have   my name written at the bottom.

Lara Raji
My name is Lara Raji and in our group I specialise in acting and directing as well as costume, I was given this role because I do a lot of acting and it is something I enjoy I have been acting from Secondary school and when I came to college I went to an acting school outside of college in my own time and started to take acting a little more seriously. I thought that it would be great to use it as a skill in our media work because I understand about non verbal communication and how an actor can make things have a lot more tension also I believe I am very knowledgeable when it comes to horror films because I absolutely love horror films and can have an input in ideas across the teaser trailer that we will be making because of how much horror films I have watched. I will also be a director and tell people what we all will do so in a way me and Christianna's role tie together for example she will set dates and assign people on what to do whereas i will tell me people my ideas and what i have come up with for them to expand on. I think this is an important role because a lot of us have different things that we are good at. I have also been assigned costume because I watch a lot of horror films I know what sort of colour and themes should be used for horror films mainly associated with dark colours, Also I believe that the roles that are given to us are important because it will make us stronger as a group to come up with a better piece of work and because I am a strong person I was ahead and came up with a lot of ideas that I thought about during summer and gave feedback to our group. My name will be either at the top or bottom of my work 

My name is Myles Greyson and in our group of four ill be incharge of doing the poster, magazine and overseeing lighting for our group and others. I speaclise in photoshop and have a creative mind which has helped the group expand on the ideas they have taken from what I've put across, so I was seen as perfect for doing the magazine and the poster. With the magazine I will have help from the other team members who will all have creative input in the magazine and tell me how they want the magazine to look. Lighting is very important for any kind of trailer and sets the mood for a scene. I wanted to do lighting from what i read and I feel i can contribute alot to the filming of the trailer through lighting. I am also a fan of old horror movies and i feel the best teaser trailers ive seen have been from old horror movies such as Alien, Jaws, Poltergiest and The Shining  because they always seem to be the the most simple and  they are very affective to make the audience want to see more. I am very commited and hope to contribute as much as I can to the group. My name will be at the top or the bottom of them.

Myles Greyson

Nicole Clavier:

My name is Nicole Clavier and in our group of four I will be helping with the lighting for our group and others groups. I specialize in photography and I will be using my skills to take the photographs for the magazine and the poster, I enjoy taking photographs and I attend classes outside of college and this helps me to see different perspectives of using cameras. Even though I am not a big fan of horror films I know that it is not that hard to capture a picture that is scary and that doesn’t give away too much about the characters involved as I have researched about a couple horror films and have analyzed the ways that they have taken the pictures for example, drag me to hell and insidious where the pictures have been taken using a dim light. I will post on blogger with my name on the bo