
26th of January
All of us was keen to watch our footage back and we assigned what the next step we was going to take. Lara was going to be the editor, Nicole and Myles was both going to work on the magazine and poster whilst Christie worked closely on the blog by arranging the backstage footage she took, the pictures that was taken and tutorials. Today i accomplished making a rough cut and put all the best footage we got together. I will start on working on how to transition the footage together.
Lara Raji
On the 25th of January 
We finally put our ideas into action and we filmed our project as a whole. The whole group was their along side our actress. I believe we have got a lot of skills that we all used together that made it to be successful. Myles did the editing, Nicole did the lighting and took pictures for our blog, Christie did the make up with Lara as her assistant and Lara took over the filming. Together we worked well as a team and it went very well.
Lara Raji
24th of January
Lesson: Lara, Christie, Myles and Nicole Present 

We decided on everything we was going to use and what we needed. This was 
  • Candles 
  • A Lighter 
  • A white top
  • Contact lenses 
  • Letters 
  • Envelopes 
  • Chains 
We all put money together and purchased the Candles, lighter and a plain white top. Christie gave her candles to Myles and he made the effect of having wax all around the candles which looked very good.  Christie was going to put make up on the white top to make it look like blood. Lara printed out 150 copies of letters and envelopes and we split it out between Lara, Nicole and Christie to take home and burn them and make them look old. The chains was going to be provided by our teacher and we asked our teacher about the contact lenses but we thought it was best to go without them as our actress had never worn contact lenses.

Lara Raji
Thursday 8th December
We changed most of the concept of the middle bit of our film as a group as we felt it will look more effective if the woman is having a flashback and she is chained up and their is lots of letters, old letters saying "Dear Margaret". Our original plan was her to have a flash back and a man crawling but it will make our teaser trailer to contemplated and we want our audience to want to understand and get to know more of the story line as in "what's happening next?" we have not yet come up with what most of the letters will say but we will be coming up with it during our build up to filming.
Lara Raji
30th December

On the 30th of December, Christianna, Lara and Nicole had a multiple chat over BBM where we discussed some improvements needed for our blog, we discussed that a variety of things need to be added, so we allocated different jobs to different group members. we firstly allocated Nicole with Research into costume  I Christianna was allocated to be in charge of doing some research into props .

Thursday 19 January 2012  
Lesson: Lara, Nicole and Christie Present
In today's lesson we changed the date of our studio filming day from Friday 27th to the 18th of January. The reason for this is because Nicole has an exam and we want her present on the filming especially because she works hard so we changed it to Wednesday next week. 

We had a discussion with our actress and explained to her exactly what we want from her on the day, what to wear which is a boob toob, how we want her hair (Christie will style her hair) but we thought a back brush would be suitable) .