Treatment & Shooting Script

1st Treatment

We came together as a group, to do the treatment because we believe that it is important that we because it is  group task and everyone needs to be heard, everyone is putting their ideas together towards the treatment:

- The working title: Obsessed
- our production team: The Darkest room.

- Format:  Digital video
- Genre: horror
- Subgenre: supernatural horror 
- Length: 42 seconds long
- Synopsis: the first shot is Black screen then a girl starts singing lullaby then sound of the victim struggling to breath starts. The victim starts to gain consciousness (point of view shots) black fades and he is struggling to get through the door his body is limb then there is a blurred  establishing shot of the room and use the 'go pro camera' loads of the dolls around, He crawls through dolls and other props to get to the little girl  (props we  may find) then a close up of the girl smiling (quick cut) and a over the shoulder shot of the man and he is still struggling to get to the little girl. camera goes back to point of view shot of the victim struggling to get to little girl and as he puts his left hand out of the cameras sight to put his right forward you here him scream and his left hand comes back forward and its all bloody and you can see his bones. He carries on crawling with one hand and as soon as he reaches the girl he blacks out again then gains conciseness so black out of camera then fade in. Then the girl jumps the camera boom sound. Then there is a black screen and you hear giggling then text comes and it says coming soon.

2nd Treatment
New idea
Once again we came together to talk about the ideas we had for our horror teaser trailer, we have changed and adapted to our ideas which we think we have made some improvement to the reason we changed our ideas is because:

• We believed that the scenes with the dolls was looking slightly impossible and we have to remember, that it is a small production and we would be looking to about 50 dolls which we have not got access making us have to spend a large amount of money.
• All of us was not a 100% of the idea and spoke to one another about it and thought of new ways to adapt to it.
• Lara thought of starting of the play with someone talking and a black background making it look a little bit possessed, she got this idea from the trailer in ‘pretty little liars’. (The idea is shown the trailer at the bottom). 
• Myles came up with writing on the forehead of the person coming up gradually with the word ‘mortem’ in Latin which means death.
• Christie made dates for roman numerals that could also be added gradually for her head which was VII XI of scratches on her head.
• Nicole was asking for what sorts of music and giving different types of horror music that was used in films that we could all research on which we did together.
You- tube together which I have also uploaded at the bottom.
There would be much more blood and gore on her and when she opens her eyes she cries out black and her pupils are all black if not white.
• The working title: Obsessed
• Our production team: The Darkest room.
• Format: Digital video
• Genre: horror Subgenre: supernatural horror
• Length: 30 seconds long
• Synopsis: straight away the camera does a close up on this woman with some music to cause tension, the woman’s eyes are shut and there is a talk over without the woman’s lips moving preferably with an American accent saying “I am the last one left, apart from it. They said they would leave me that they will let me go. They lied to me” whilst she talks the tone of voice getting louder and much more angrier we have a variety of different links from you tube on different songs that we thought inspired us on different music that could be in the back ground whilst it goes into like a flash back and an establishing shot of the gloomy room with all the candles on the floor and burnt up old letters by creating that with tea bags to create the realism and a man crawling on the floor with blood all on his hands as she says ‘its coming, I can feel him’ and whilst this is all going on it could be quick cuts and comes back to the woman scratches on her head saying ‘mortem’ and she opens her eyes and it is a black pupil with black blood as she cries out her eyes as it says coming soon.

First Shooting Script:
1st scene: Black screen
Sound: Heavy breathing in the background
            Lullabye ( ring o roses)

2nd scene: Man on the floor; blurred, the man is crawling towards the girl.
                  focus of the hands, but cant see the face.
Sound: Breathing gets faster

3rd scene: Over the shoulder shot, girls mouth with blood dripping down
                  Teddy in the girls hand
                  Depth of field in background
Sound: Faster breathing
            lullaby still in background

4th scene: Quick cuts of man looking around at the dolls ( blurred) blood all over the dolls -
                 some of them are smashed up
Sound: Breathings getting heavier and faster (as he gets closer)
            lullaby still in background but starts getting echoes and lower

5th scene: Quick cuts of the girl and the man, as the shots going from one to the other;
                 depth of field is being used on both the man and the women
Sound: Weird beeping/scratching noise in the background

Second Shooting Script:

1st scene: Black Screen
Transitions:  Out of  focus, slowly starts to fade in.

2nd scene: Tune playing along whilst she is talking
Sound: Tune playing
Camera shot: Direct shot; medium close up, whilst she is moving her head slowly up.

Transitions: Fades in
3rd scene: the woman is chained up and she looks lost
Sound: Music in the background
Camera shot: Over the shoulder shot
Voiceover: The Letter being read out whilst it is burning

 Transition: Black fades in and out into the shot
4th scene:  Shows around the room and the letters, candles and the woman outside of her dream
Sound: Music in the background
Camera shot: Long shot and medium close up

5th scene: Blood and the woman is shown much more to the camera
Sound: Whispering
Camera shot: Long shot
Voiceover: Whispering

6th scene: The camera starts to zoom innto the woman
Sound: Whispering getting louder and faster
Camera shot: Long shot to extreme close up
Voiceover: Repeatedly saying "there coming, there coming"

7th scene:  The camera is all zoomed into her face, starts to slowly zoom out as she starts to struggle
Sound: Struggling noises
Camera shot: Extreme closeup

8th scene: As she is struggling, words starts getting scratched on to her face.
Sound: Screeching noise
Camera shot: Zooms out to a view of full face ( Direct shot)
Voiceover: Carrying on with her speech 'they said they would help me..' 'whispering in the background'

9th scene: The word has been scratched onto her face, she has scratch marks on her body
Sound: Still have the screeching sound and struggling noise
Camera shot: Medium close up to capture all the marks on the shoulder upwards

10th scene: She opens her eyes looks evil as blood starts to come out of her mouth
Sound: Laughs hysterically
Camera shot: Still a medium close up

11th scene: Black out with writting on text
Sound: Deep voice 'Can you survive?'
Camera shot
Voiceover: A big 'BOOM' at the end

Here are a couple shots of the different scenes, here is a couple shots of the different scenes that are going to be shot during the teaser trailer. We had taken these pictures during the teaser trailer just to get an idea of what the different shots may look like whilst filming in the different camera angles

Nicole, Myles, Lara and Christianna