Horror Research 2

Research into Sound and Music For Our Horror Trailer

For our trailer I have been looking into different sounds and music that could be included in our trailer. We did decide that we was going to make our own sounds on soundtrack pro or garage pro however we weren’t able to get something which suited us. So we have decided to use a mixture of both getting a sound of the internet and designing our own sound. Both used for different points in our trailer.

We are going to need sound that builds tension to help our trailer scarier, we are also going to need low temp music that sets the mood. Because using a bubbly beat will contradict with our horror trailer idea and will not help the story line.

We decided that the sound we use is very important especially after watch a variety of trailers without sound I noticed that it don't have the same effect with sound so now I am a aware that our sound choice is essential and have to be accurately chosen so that it meets the audiences needs.

This clip inspired me a lot, this is because the non diegetic sound in the background enhances the film and creates more fear and tension, i am now fully aware that sound has a vary big impact on the trailer because when i also played the film again and muted it. Although it was still scary because of the acting. there was no tension build up.

Although i did like this theme sound i do believe that it wouldn't go well with our trailer i think that the beat is too lively and it would cause tension or fear. After watching this i am now sure that i want a low, slow beat and it only speeds up to build tension. This is because this will have more of an effect on the audience and this will actually fright people, as i said before i believe that sound and music lays a big role on a horror film and without the right sound or music I'm very sure that the horror trailer wont be as successful as it could have been.

This is the lullaby sang in Freddy, i did enjoy this and i think that it would be a good and creative idea if in my group we made our own song/lullaby. however because in our trailer there is no children i think it would be odd if it was a lullaby so i think maybe just a girl singing a song. after watching this i have taken this into consideration. After watching a variety of films i have begun to notice that if a child is singing or if a child is possessed it creates more fear because it is unexpected.

In horror trailer we decided to have our victim sitting down facing the camera and a voice over, of a girl speaking just like in this trailer but in a more possessed voice. as the voice over is taking the girl on camera keeps looking at the camera and will have a various of different facial expressions. We chose to do this because we believe that this will cause tension and fear.In addition i will also include some non diegetic sound on top of this or after this.
Christianna Uyiekepen

Research into Horror Film Poster

Idea 1: Here is a poster of what we was thinking of using for our poster teaser trailer, but instead of having the full face included in the poster we was thinking to include just the extreme close-up of the eyes and the forehead which has 'Mortem' written on it. Angelina Jolie's eyes look like she has either got a hidden past or something big is going to happen in her life.

The eyes of the actress Angelina Jolie is abrupt and and sharp direct look into the camera, this is the type of look for the teaser trailer creates tension and suspense and if this was to be used in our teaser poster this would also create the same amount of tension amongst the audience making them want to know more about the film and this would generally help the publicity of the trailer as it would also be spread by word of mouth as well as through the internet.

Here is a better idea of what we are looking for to put as our teaser poster, the writing that is coming up on her forehead looks like it has been burned on but what we are going to do with our poster is make it look like it has been scratched on by something so the women looks like she has either abused in the past or still is getting abused or she is just possessed. I think that the eyes on the first poster and the writing and the second poster would go great together, as the eyes are piercing aqua/goldish colour making it look really effective as a whole idea. If there was to be a color that captures your attention straight away , it just makes you want to look at it more so this makes it easier to capture peoples attention and want to know more about the film.

Most of the teaser trailer posters i have seen have either included these colors:
- Red
- Midnight blue
- Bottle green
- Grey 

and most of the posters include either the covering of the  persons face, a frightened looking girl or just the eyes of someone. Also the writing to go with the poster also adds to the whole feel of the horror film as you have to pick just the right font to finish off the poster.

Here is the font that i think would be good to use as a tester for the teaser trailer poster, i think that this type of font is good as the flicks on the end of the letters look like they have been scratched on by something and this goes with our idea of the whole word getting scratched on her forehead which makes it look like either claws has been scratched on or something else.

Nicole Clavier

Research into Horror Film colours

I looked into research on different horror film colours and what is associated with it and what we could use, although this is already in our audience research I also wanted to do my own research to find out more.

When we see most films that our horror related, we can already predict when something is going to happen, either the colour that will be used will be dark colours for example navy blue, black, dark green, red, grey, fiery yellow, midnight blue or their will be tension within the music played which Christie did research on. The colour that I mentioned above was just by looking around the editing room with all the different horror posters around the room.

What I have noticed by looking online is that:
When looking for colours associated in supernatural horror, there are usually children in the film or someone who has been possessed they are still portrayed with high key lighting to show the example of innocence, for example the poltergeist, insidious, the others, child’s play, the exorcist and also the Amityville horror all have children associated within the film. However, looking up supernatural films there is a lot of midnight blue that is used for example the fourth kind has a lot of midnight blue used in the trailer, drag me to hell has parts were midnight blue is in use which is merely shown when she is being attacked or dragged and also the Amityville horror also shows this midnight blue colour and dark colours.

There are so much different colours we can use but it is, the effect in how we use it and if it appropriate for the scene yellow and orange are bright colours but they can also be portrayed with hell and fire. Supernatural is contrasted by using both high key and low-key lighting and we will use this an inspiration and use it into our own teaser trailer.                                       

Researching about the different colours has given us an idea that we want our scene of the man crawling on the floor to be in midnight blue and have the room for both scenes look very cold. Doing this research has helped me to know exactly what colours I need to use to make it look realistic scary and daunting all the research we do.
By Lara Raji