Audience Research

For the audience research we had to go around asking people different questions but through different technologies such as; through Blackberry messenger, Facebook chat, Text message and Facebook inbox.

I chose to ask my question through text messaging, and these are the questions that are going to be included in the questionnaire
1. How old are you?
2. What's your gender?
3. Do you watch hour films?
4. What sub - genres of horror films do you like?
- Supernatural
- Slasher
- J - horror
- Splatter
- Psychological
- Zombie
- Thriller
5. How long do you think a horror teaser trailer should be?
- 0-30 secs
- 0-50secs
6. How often do you go cinemas?
- Once a week
- Once a month
- Not often
7. What do you expect to see in a horror teaser trailer?
8. What colors do you think are suitable for a horror poster + magazine?
9. How often do you watch a horror film?
- Once a week
- Once a month
- Not often
- Never

These are the questions that our groups are going to ask different people so that we can get a good idea of what they are looking for in a teaser trailer. To show our evidence we will screen print and then put it on the blog.

The first person I had started questioning was 19

The second person I asked was female and they was 17 years old

The third person I asked was 18

That is all my screenshots of the questions I had asked and the answers I had got from my peers, I had tried to get a range of ages so that we could get mixed answers from each age group.

Nicole Clavier
Media we all thought that to get a good wide depth of research, we should all use different resources of talking to the public. I used Blackberry Messenger where I spoke to 5 people and asked them the same questions that my group is asking the people that they interview meaning are survey is consistent.

What is blackberry messenger?

Blackberry messenger is an instant messenger that allows you to connect and share pictures and statuses with friends.  The conversation with 'Dodgers Coco' was ended shortly due to the fact she didn't like horror films and the questions was based on Horror.Due to the fact that 'Wizzy gets Lizzy' answered with one-word answers I probed to get a bit more out of him, when I asked him Question 7.
Lara Raji

Nicole Clavier

Myles Greyson