
In today's lesson we was learning about the different types of make up we could use to make the bruises on scratches that we wanted to place on the actors shoulders and head.
Here are our outcomes of the make up tryouts, we used Ben Nye bruise wheel and the severe exposure wheel which was mainly used for the cuts that were either just made or formed. For the cross we used latex for the cross, this is mainly used for making lumps and bumps on the body to make uneven places.

Our group wanted to use a different language for the forehead and the voice being used in the trailer, the work "Mort em" which is displayed just above which means help is going to be drawn onto the actresses head so it looks like it is being scratched on.
We all had a talk about hygiene and if anyone has got any allergies to the different ingredients included in the different make - up wheels we would do a make up test so that they could see if there are any reactions to any of the products that we had to use.

UPDATE 8th December 2012
The videos which i have uploaded underneath where the videos which we recorded on our blackberries in lesson during our makeup tutorial lesson. The first video was of us discussing what we will be doing and our different roles and the last video which was uploaded is me talking the audience through a step by step by step guide of how i applied the makeup onto the model.

As a group we have sat down and agreed on what our skills are and what we would prefer to do individually to help out our group. We all considered our weaknesses and strengths and in the end I was allocated with the makeup and props. I was happy when I was able to do this because I preferred to do this because I think that I am good at make overall so I will be able to add my personal skills and experience to the art of horror film makeup. In addition to this I have an interest in make up and the concept horror film make up looks very interesting and exciting as I did additional research on make up when I did the As to A2 holiday work.

These two videos, which I have uploaded, were at the beginning of the make up tutorial and at the end of the tutorial. Me (Christianna) used Mrs Robertson as a model to practice the make up on while Lara took notes and Nicole took pictures. the first video describes what we all will be doing while the second video shows the end product and takes you step by step in how we achieved this.
Christianna uyiekpen

15 DECEMBER 2011: Interview with actress


We did an interview with are actress to find out what she may be allergic to and what she can't use. Lara, Nicola and Christie worked in a team so we can get the best questions asked. Nicole took control of the camera, I, Lara took control of the questions that was being asked at the actress and Christie answered the questions to as she specialized in make up. 
We all spoke about how we wanted questions to be asked we wanted to do a semi structured interview so even though Nicole wrote questions down, Christie could also make sure that she asked some questions that were not written down so that she could get a full depth of information from our actress. This is shown in the recording above.

Make up Research
Below I have including some screen shots of what I have found and what I think would work well with our horror film.

I added these pictures because i think i could used these tutorials as a guide when doing the make up for our horror film, firstly I think that the first screen shot and the last ones that I uploaded could be used for the little possessed girl, this is because we wanted the girl to be covered in blood and to look very scary and after watching these tutorial although it will take much work I think that these two ideas should be considered. The second screen shot that I uploaded was of a woman covered in powder to create an ill, malnourished and scary effect which we need for one of our characters because as a group we said that we wanted a woman an Asian woman in the trailer who was in control of the child and we wanted her to look similar to this.

Below I have embedded a tutorial, which takes me in a step-by-step guide in how to produce the Asian woman effect and how to make her look the way she does.

Make Up Trial in Lesson
As preparation for our Group Teaser trailers I took part in doing makeup for a student in my class. As I am in charge of all make up and prop for our group. I took on the responsibility of doing Lizzie makeup with another student for our class teaser trailer. The story line was that Lizzie had to be possessed so I back brushed her hair, gave her some eye and face makeup which done the job.