Story Line

Media Draft Of Our Story Line

We have had loads of different ideas of what we wanted to do for our teaser trailer. We first thought of doing a slasher trailer and have lots of blood and gore, mirrors everywhere, loads of voice over but with a scare voice so for example (saw) we wanted a voice over of someone saying do you want to play a game, we also wanted to have a music like a lullaby singing ring a ring a roses.  
We then came up with another idea of doing a supernatural horror having loads of blackouts a little girl moving fetish sitting in a corner playing with a doll singing ring a ring a roses and laughing with echo’s and have the camera at a angle in the corner with a birds eye view with the camera in night vision of the room a bit like a CCTV for example like (paranormal activity) an establishing shot of the room with dolls all around the room which we would probably get from a boot sale our estimate for the amount of dolls we want is about 20-30 dolls some hanged up around the room with very bad make up, hair shaven etc… trying to make the dolls look possessed,  we want to have candles around the room preferably about 6.

We then wanted the door to creek and the little girls reaction shot to the door which shows her face with blood and gore then back to the door stops leaves tension and the Asian girls rushes to the camera a bit like in paranormal activity 2 when the woman runs up to the camera in the teaser trailer which is shown in the screenshots when I researched about teaser trailers.

 We then wanted a ‘noise’ white screen to fade out and then say 'coming soon'. Hopefully we will adapt to our ideas.

We made a video one of our blackberries just to see how our video will start to look and plan it out just having a little bit of fun really. We started to talk and draft out exactly what we wanted to do and try to finalise a decision. 

(Posted By Lara Raji)

One of the ideas were going to be where we already recoreded the whole teaser trailer, we was then thinking of rewinding it back to the beginning and have the girl fixing the camera and sitting either on a chair or on the floor facing down.
Have the camera facing the girls and then play on the recording so that it runs all the way through and near the end starts to go mad.

Nicole Clavier

The NEW story Line for our teaser trailer

For our teaser trailer, the trailer will start with a woman who has blatantly been in a domestic home or has been physically abused. There will be a medium close up of the woman even though she will be wearing a boob tube, her face down to her chest will just be her body showing as if she is not wearing any clothes with a lot of bruises and scratches all over her body.  Her eyes will be closed but puffed up and bruised and she starts saying:

Woman: They said they would help me, they lied… (Anger in voice) THEY LIED TO ME! They said they will make me better, but I am worse (fastly emphasises on the words) I can feel them, see them, hear them, smell them…

Whilst she is saying this the camera is doing a slow close up towards her face, until it is close to her eyes, blacks out as if it goes to her vision which goes into a room with establishing shots, mixed with candles and old letters around the room with blacks out and then a person chained to the wall but a blurred image with blood around them and laughing hysterically and making animalistic sounds.

It then goes back to the woman as we see a close up of her face and her eyes open a little bit showing us not much contact and it is still blurry with the camera or audience with diegetic sound in the background that builds tension. Her eyes then shuts back and is in focus with diegetic music still playing and opens her eyes again, this time showing white contacts. The woman starts to open her eyes with blood leaking out as tears. 
Lara Raji