Skills Development

Skills and development on using the MAC computer

I have learnt a lot of different things in my 3 months of using the Mac computer in the editing room, at college we have been spending a lot of time working with the Mac computers in the editing rooms which is about 2days a week and in our spare time. with the help of my teacher, I have encountered a lot of different skills and feel i have learnt a lot from using the mac computers.  

I have learnt that it is different than a normal computer and used to find it hard to copy and paste, now using copy and paste which is by using “Ctrl and left click” which is a bit different however once you know how to use it, it is much more easier. 

The computer is wireless use for the keypad and the mouse, and it is easier to upload things from a camera or a phone because you can just take the memory card out and put it into the computer directly or you can use bluetooth to upload things which is much more technical and easier to use if a person is good with new technology.

Also downloading things was a bit harder to process however I learnt how to do that and then use Photoshop to edit on it before saving it as a JPEG. I also learnt how to use garage band and put music together which I will be using when making our teaser trailer that is simply adding tracks together and making them run smoothly together if using two different sounds.

Skills Development after filming and editing

For our group, I took charge of the use of the video camera, whilst we went to the studio and filmed our teaser trailer for the whole day. What i learnt from that experience is... use of different angle shots for example when I wanted to get a variety of different angles of our establishing shot I lied down on the floor to get a point of view shot of the candles and the letters. i thought that this was very important to me to show different angles to help the teaser trailer look really good when it came to editing. Even though the day was cold we kept our actor warm by making sure that she had a jumper on whenever she was not filming, we gave her tea to warm her up and we bought additional clothing just incase to put underneath her clothing if she needed to. 

Make up was a whole new experience when trying to make someone looked bruised up, I was Christie's assistant as she is the make up artist into how we wanted our artist to look, but what helped is the fact that we had a lesson with Mrs Robertson on how to make blood on our actresses body, I think that this helped me a lot as i was able to take one side of our actresses face whilst christie took the other and listened to her directions on how to do the make up effectively. 

Lara Raji

Lighting is one of the most important aspects to consider when making a horror movie. Lighting is the at the base of all horrors and the most original effect when it comes to creating an anoumous atmosphere.
In our horror trailer we are lucky enough to have good lighting equipment to produce lighting that will add tension and fear to our horror trailer.

The Diva-Lite 400 is the main light we are using to light our production. The light is very strong and easy to use. The diva allows us to make low key lighting for our trailer as the built in dimming ballast allows us to turn down the power of the light.

One of the lights I've been practising with is the
HDV-Z96 96 LED video HD light lighting kit this is a very good way of making slight changes to the lighting effect the Diva-Lite 400 gives of. The Z96 allows me to change the look of someones face a by varying the position of the light I can change the way people look. Lighting from below creates a horror effect, as does lighting from above but as we was practising with the light the light from below gave a more eerie effect. Lighting from one side casts the other side into shadow which allows for great scenes if we have someone creeping up from the shadows to attack the victim. 
 The HDV-Z96

By Myles Greyson

Camera Skill Development

The camera I used to take photos for the poster and magazine was the Canon Eos 7D. It was easy to use when the settings were all sorted out. We was able to zoom in unlike when they were filming when they were not able to zoom in.

The camera took very good photos for our magazine and poster and with the help of the group we was able to come up with creative poses for our actor to do.
We did not need to use the lighting on the camera as we had very powerful lights. We framed the picture as the girl in the middle and the yellow metal background. We had to make sure it was framed perfectly so nothing else would be in the picture like a white wall.

By Myles Greyson

Skill Development

Whilst we have been working on our teaser trailer planning, different people in our group got to pick different roles which they wanted to do. I got to learn how to use lighting and this is one of the important things that you are going to need to use during trailers, next to the right make up and the camera person. Lighting is also essential because you are going to need to use it for the different effects; such as making the face dark and the background or making the background just right so that there is no shadows in the background.At first to get used to dealing with the lighting during the filming, we all had to do a test teaser trailer during our class time and this included me and two other students changing up the positioning of the lighting so that there wasn't too much brightness in the background if it wasn't needed and also the brightness in the face so that it wasn't too dark.

There are the Kino flo Diva lights 400/800 watts lighting we are going to use these in our teaser trailer, this is going to involve me controlling the lights to make the lighting around the set either darker or brighter. The whole process of learning how to use the lighting in the film is a big part of the shooting as well as the  whole filming of the trailer as you need just enough light in everything to capture a good image or filming shot. Even though i am already familiar with cameras, this media project has helped me to further my knowledge with the filming and the different angles which are most suitable for the different shots. As a group we have all had turns of taking different shots of our tester teaser trailers so we all have a feel of what to expect whilst filming.  

Nicole Clavier