Story board and equiptment

Canon Eos 7D
Full HD movies
Camera flash

This is the camera that we will be using in our filming, this would be good to use for straight forward filming but if you wanted to use a camera that is able to make it look like you are shooting an over the shoulder shot then it would be good and easier to use an

Hero Go Pro Camera

HD filming

For this camera you can use different appliance for it, such as a helmet so if you wanted to use the helmet for the over the shoulder shot it would be easier too use them. You can also make the filming in 3D with one of the cameras turned upside down and the other camera right side up, there is a special case to put them in so that it is easier to mange.

Vinten Tripods

The tripod that we are going to use to steady out the camera so that it isn't to jogged unless if thats the type of effect we want to use.

Kinoflo Diva lites 400/800 watts

Heres the lights thats also going to be included our movie teaser trailer, with these lights you can change the brightness.
If you wanted to have a black background you can adjust the black flaps on them to reduce light.           

Nicole Clavier                                           

Story Board


Here is the story boards which i designed for our group.

christianna uyiekpen.

shots 1-6

shots 7-12

shots 13-16

This was our 1st story board however now that we have changed out idea, we have uploaded our new story boards.
Updated Story board 
I drew the first 7 pictures of our new and improved story board and made sure that I put sub headings to show exactly what would be happening through each part of the story board. This is shown in the pictures below.
The first scene will start of with it being a black screen and their will be music being played in the background but a shadow will slow start to appear.

From Lara Raji