Magazine Trial & Error

Here is a magazine cover that i took from the internet and this is what i thought kind of resembled the groups idea of what they wanted to included in the teaser trailer,  i thought that if you had a simple portrait of the character with either blood stains, scratches and bruises would make the whole magazine look simple and effective for the audience. The magazine cover that i have put onto the blog is a good example of what i was thinking of as the whole look of the character is simple; she has pale skin, scratches on her neck and face she also has blood marks on her clothing and hair. 

The lighting is mainly on the face making the hair, clothing and under her neck area shadowy and dull looking. The main focal point in the picture is the face as you can see because the light is mainly hitting directly on her face and all the attention is being brought to the scratches and blood stains. The fact that they have used mostly red and blue in the magazine could connote the bruising that is on the girl, also these colours are kind of dull colours so it doesn't clash with the whole horror look. They obviously wanted to make the writing stand out against the background so that it didn't blend in, in my opinion the blue doesn't really add to the whole theme of horror as it is too light for the magazine cover. When i think of a horror film and colours to go with it i automatically think of dark dull colours such as black, grey, white and then a contrast to go with it such as a red.

Here is a picture that i think would go well for the front cover, if it was a direct view of the person face including that same positioning of the body that would make a perfect picture. The other good thing about this picture is that it doesn't give away too much so it would still leave the audience thinking who is this character and why are they sitting like that with the bruises on her head and neck. The word "mortem" which means help in latin was going to be written across the forehead of the actress, we was going to make it look like the words had been scratched on by something/someone and whilst that is happening it would look like she is struggling.

These are the type of bruises that we wanted to include on the neck and shoulder area and the picture of what we want to be written on the front of her forehead, wanted it to look more realistic and painful with the little flicks on the end of the letters.

Nicole Clavier